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Urban Production
The industrial park on Veloroute 10 in Kiel serves as a source of inspiration for a city quarter in Kiel. The aim of the pilot project is to change cities sustainably and to create diverse, inclusive places that promote community.
A flexible and modular design is envisioned to cater to a universal vision of scalable refurbishment of industrial production sites.
The projects are to be realized with the help of element construction, circular planning methods and sustainable, recyclable materials.
Urban Production
Project Region
Project Period
Kiel, Germany
Paul Clemens Bart, Marvin Bratke
Design Development
Production, Transformation
Kieler Wirtschaftsförderung (KiWi)
graadwies, Urban Beta
4.500 sqm
Circular and scalable refurbishment.
The new fit out and expansion of the industrial buidling becomes a material depot that can quickly respond to different functional requirements and workloads. This gives these places sustainable potential as production and work sites that bring people from the neighborhood and region together.
Urban Production
Urban Production
Design as a kit of parts.
Applying rulesets for automation simplifies the planning process and gives information in real time. Designed for disassembly, each spatial module can be rearranged for different locations.
Expanding the boundaries.
With the potential of the modular building kit the given site is being explored for potential expansion. Mid rises and terrace buildings form an open campus for start-ups and small priduction firms with the possibility to extend further into the industrial environment. Setting the cornerstones for a new healthy and mixed quarter.
Urban Production
Urban Production
From monofunctional to multifunctional mixed quarters.
The potential of the urban activation scales to create healthy and multifuntional quarters that create a holistic urban vision for Kiel Grasweg.
Modular spacemaking.
Urban production will have the potential for transforming cities towards sustainability and urbanity. New locally anchored economies can be envisioned as an innovation driver. Healthy and holistic urban developments become a healthy driver for dialoue between urban actors. With a modular concept we design for multiple sites and inteventions with scaling potential.
Urban Production
Urban Production
Social exchange and behavioural change.
With the measures taken, the old industrial site becomes a center point for a variety of uses. Social stairs form the central spine for new social activation.
Urban Production
A second life for the whole community.
Selected actors from different sectors of urban production bring the future-oriented concept of the hall to fruition and create synergies in the neighborhood and in the further environment.