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Hexagon Campus Masterplan
Can we combine multiple functions into one holistic campus, powered by AI?
Hexagon is a bold vision for an autonomous future where business, industry and humanity sustainably thrive.
Hexagon AB operates based on organically, distributed and autonomous organization principles. Based on an omnidirectional grid, the masterplan proposes cells that are distributed to grow organically, modular and are organized as autonomous units.
Project Region
Project Period
Shenzhen, China
Paul Clemens Bart, Marvin Bratke, Binqui Luo, Mateo Fernandez, Anton Klyshnia, Felix Grauer
Concept Design
Workspaces, Masterplanning
Hexagon AB
70.000 sqm
Yoshi Render
Technologic advance with a humanistic approach.
Hexagon is the global leader in digital reality solutions, combining sensor, software and autonomous technologies, putting data to work to boost efficiency, productivity, quality and safety across industrial, manufacturing, infrastructure, public sector and mobility applications. The campus proposal combines this technologic approach with an intricate architectural concept that puts social meeting points into the center of the design.
Hexagon Campus Masterplan
A flexible masterplan.
The campus indicates a clear gateway as part of a larger innovation valley masterplan. In a holistic approach architecture and landscape fuse into a functional and scalable masterplan, built from modular cells.
The hexagonal network.
A cellular grid with intuitive wayfinding creates orientation and meeting opportunities. The modular and future-proof setup is ready for coming extensions.
Inside-out approach.
An industrial campus that is turned inside-out: Logistical and technical processes turn into an experience thanks to a clever landscaping concept. The integration of open space and landscape features is merged into the building concept and continuous fluidly throughout the plan.
Hexagon Campus Masterplan
Hexagon Campus Masterplan
Built for growth.
A distributed, omnidirectional masterplan layout allows for organic growth for future expansions. The site area is program down in pedestrian friendly, modular developable programmatic zones.