Our mobility hub solutions are adaptive, easy to understand and carbon-negative. The hub is fully integrated for novel transport solutions to provide seamless experiences. BetaPort NEXT was realized at GREENTECH FESTIVAL 2022 as proof of concept for multi-storey building technology. With the launch of the new product line BetaPort Systems was able to leap into the next generation of its constructions, built for circularity. The kit of parts based architecture was assembled in three days and disassembled in one day.

Paul Clemens Bart, Marvin Bratke, Anke Parson, Florian Michaelis, Paul Clemens Bart, Marvin Bratke, Klemens Sitzmann, Max Salamon
Foresight, Mobility, Product Design
Greentech Festival Berlin
Urban Beta, BetaPort Systems, graadwies, Gebr. Schütt, str.ucture, Trilux, JackBeNimble, Morean